Content on the Slimfold Australia website is the intellectual property of Slimfold Australia.
Unauthorised use or misuse of any display, compilation or Trademark and Logo found on the Slimfold Australia website is not permitted.
Please note that any infringement of copyright or intellectual property rights may have legal consequences.
Slimfold Australia assumes no warranty, liability or responsibility for content on third-party websites linked or associated with the Slimfold Australia website. This disclaimer applies equally to damages of any kind and any cause of actions.
Orders, shipping, warranty and returns
On request, a proforma invoice will be provided. All items are quoted in Australian dollars.
When you submit your order for goods, receipt of your order will be confirmed through the checkout system on validation of your payment. Your order will be processed immediately.
Delivery is made by registered article and shipped to your address by Express Post courier worldwide.
2 year warranty: Your tax invoice is proof of purchase and is required for any warranty claims.
Defective, faulty products or damaged goods in transit will be exchanged when brought to our attention within 8 days after delivery of the items. It is your responsibility to report as soon as possible any flaw attached to the delivery of the goods. Replacement goods will be sent immediately on receipt of your item. In case of misrepresentation, your item will be returned to you as presented to us.
Warranty for exchanged or replacement item is the same as the original item warranty.
Terms of use of this website are governed in accordance with the laws of NSW Australia.
ABN: 15467037242
Phone: 61 2 4861 7700
PO Box 1264, Bowral, NSW, 2576, Australia